Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Chekhov, John Waters, puppet shows, and comedy!

KU has three more performances of their Black Box production "The Boor and Antic Disposition." The Boor is a one-act comedy by Anton Chekhov (we were sold at that part). Antic Disposition is three different interpretations of Hamlet. Feb 18, 19, & 20.  Here's a review from Lawrence.com.

Only one Burroughs film this week? We're kind of relieved after Haxan and Naked Lunch last week! Tonight's screening is 1991's informal documentary "Commissioner of Sewers," which is an hour long interview with William Burroughs discussing culture, art, and morality. Feb 187pm in the gallery at the Lawrence Arts Center. FREE.


Writer/director John Waters makes his way into town on Thursday to help celebrate William Burroughs' birthday. The "Pope of Trash" will be speaking about "how to be insane and have a good life and embrace it." Tickets have been sold out for some time now, but we've heard rumors of the Arts Center selling tickets for a live video feed of his talk, so it might still be worth getting on the waiting list! Here's an article and interview with Waters from Lawrence.com.

Card Table Theatre has a show, auditions, and a brand new website! This Friday the infamous Shitty Deal Puppets will come out of storage for a show called Big Joe Medicine Show, which is a benefit show for a Victor Continental alumnus. There'll be stand-up comedy, music, and, of course, foul-mouthed puppets! The event is in a space we've haven't experienced yet- the Hillcrest Comedy Shoppe (which is apparently the renovated back room of the Pool Room at 9th & Iowa). 9pm.
Card Table is also having auditions for a couple of their upcoming shows Feb 23rd, 2-5pm. Details here.


We don't advise trying to take the kids to the above puppet show, but here is one you should take the kids to see. A puppet version of the Pied Piper is taking place at the Lawrence Arts Center this weekend, Feb 21 & 22nd. It appears to be an interactive performance with live music. KU graduate Spencer Lott, who is currently working as a puppeteer in New York, is returning to LFK for this show. There are 6 different performances to choose from. Details here.


You used to have to wait a while in between comedy shows in Lawrence. That's not the case anymore, as stand-up comedy has quickly found some traction here in Larryville. Comedy Freakout returns this Saturday night at Frank's North Star. Featuring a cast of local stand-up comedians and headlined by two comedians from Oklahoma City. Jokelahoma starts at 10pm downstairs in the old cock fighting pit! FB event here.

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