Thursday, February 27, 2014

Silent film, theatre openings and Oscar festivities

You may not think of silent films when you think of Alfred Hitchcock, but Blackmail is not one to miss! This film was actually released as both a silent and a talkie, as it was produced during the time of transition. The silent version will play at the Lawrence Arts Center tonight, Feb 27, at 7pm. But the best part about this screening is that there will be live musical accompaniment from the Mont Alto Motion Picture Orchestra. If you haven't viewed a film with a live orchestra before, you're missing out on an experience!
Bonus points if you can spot Hitchcock's cameo.

Two shows are opening this weekend in the LFK theatre scene. Theatre Lawrence is producing Other Desert Cities, a dramatic show dealing with family secrets. It opens on Friday, and shows are Feb 28 - Mar 2, and Mar 6-9. This show is also opening at the Unicorn Theatre in KC in March. We were thinking of catching both to compare!

KU Theatre is performing Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (they really don't put much into their posters over at the university). We really don't feel like we need to explain Shakespeare. It's one of his comedies (and it's not directed by Josh Whedon). This show also opens Friday and runs Feb 28 - Mar 2, and Mar 7-9.

The Academy Awards are just around the corner, and Liberty Hall in on top of it! First of all, you can view all the Oscar-nominated short films on their screen for the next few days. The film world is dominated by features, but we're big fans of short films. The chance to see the best of the year on the big screen isn't something we want to miss!

And then, of course, Liberty Hall is hosting an Oscar party on Sunday, March 2. They'll be passing out ballots, giving away prizes, and definitely serving drinks while screening the awards in the large theater. The venue encourages attendees to dress up for the event. "It's the most fun you'll have listening to a bunch of actors talk!"

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